Will Taking An Improv Class Help Me Develop A Funnier Stand-up Comedy Routine?

improv classThe Perks of Taking an Improv Class for Stand-Up Comedy

The short answer to the question of whether or not taking an improv class will help someone have a better stand-up comedy routine is – yes, but not in the way you are probably hoping for. Improv classes can help a comic in many ways, but they are not a substitute for developing a stand-up comedy routine.

Taking an improv class can improve your confidence in front of audiences. It is certainly easier to work with an interactive team of performers than to deliver a stand-alone stand-up comedy routine. Confidence in front of audiences is critical for success as a comedian.

Audience Interaction And Expanding Your Resume

Taking an improv class may also help you with audience interactions as a comedian, for dealing with hecklers, audience interruptions, etc. that cause you to detract from your stand-up comedy routine or monologue.

Taking an improv class and subsequently performing improv is a valuable skill set that you can add to your comedy entertainment resume.

This is especially important for those comedians who ultimately want to enter the world of acting or sketch comedy, since improv is so heavily dependent upon predetermined and rehearsed interaction between multiple performers.

Creating A Stand-Up Comedy Routine

However, as far as help with developing and structuring a monologue style stand-up comedy routine that will generate headliner level laughter, I am afraid that taking an improv class wouldn’t be of much benefit. Why?

Because developing and delivering a stand-up comedy routine and performing improv with other interacting performers are two separate and distinct comedy entertainment presentation processes.


Taking an improv class can certainly help a comedian in many ways, but it is not a substitute for developing a stand-up comedy routine. Improv classes are ideal for those comedians who ultimately want to enter the world of acting or sketch comedy, since improv is so heavily dependent upon predetermined and rehearsed interaction between multiple performers.

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Additionally, taking an improv class can also help build confidence in front of an audience and help with audience interactions.

However, it is important to remember that developing and delivering a stand-up comedy routine and performing improv with other interacting performers are two separate and distinct comedy entertainment presentation processes.

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One Reply to “Will Taking An Improv Class Help Me Develop A Funnier Stand-up Comedy Routine?”

  1. That is really nice that improv classes help performers work out scenarios that will be “improvised” on stage before they are performed in front of an audience. It sounds like that would be a good way to practice routines and other shows. It would give people a good baseline to see how people would react. I know my friend is interested in comedy. I bet an improv class would be a good way to start.

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