About Steve Roye

Leading stand-up comedy educator and trainer, providing proven 21st century strategies and techniques for individuals who wish to become comedians on a professional level. For a detailed stand-up comedy resume go to: Steve Roye's Detailed Comedy Resume.

What Comedians Need to Know About Talent Agencies

Talent agencies can become a source of work for pro comedians who can deliver the goods for the client these agencies provide services for. Find out how talent agencies work and what you need to know about the type of comedy entertainment they usually represent. Continue reading What Comedians Need to Know About Talent Agencies

Why Doesn’t My Stand-up Comedy Material Work Well All The Time?

write funny stand-up comedy material

You take your stand-up comedy material to the stage and sometimes it works well and sometimes it doesn’t. This detailed article will give you some insight on why that happens and give you some insight on what you look at to improve your laughter consistency on stage. Continue reading Why Doesn’t My Stand-up Comedy Material Work Well All The Time?

What Are Some Of The Big Challenges That New Comedians Face?

comedian challenges

As with any endeavor worth pursuing, becoming a comedian does have its own unique challenges that must be overcome to move forward? This article describes some of the most common challenges new comedians face. Continue reading What Are Some Of The Big Challenges That New Comedians Face?