Comedian Resources

The Killer Stand-up Online Course

This extensive course is NOT your Grandpa’s “how to write jokes from a blank piece of paper” type of instruction. Provides 5 free lessons that every new comedian should review before making the jump into stand-up comedy (no sign-up required).

Visitors also have free access to the first two chapters of the Interactive Writing Guide and Interactive Performing Guide (over 100 pages).

Corporate Comedy Secrets

This audio training course is for comedians who have the ability to develop a clean stand-up comedy act and provides information on how to break into the potentially lucrative corporate comedy market.

Note: This audio training course is made available to all Killer Stand-up Online Course Members.

The Stand-up Comedy Tips Blog

This is my more extensive stand-up comedy blog for comedians that contains a wide variety of articles on the more foundational aspects of stand-up comedy.