How Can I Develop My Comedy Timing As A Comedian?

comedic timing

Are you looking for the secrets for learning how to have great comedy timing as a comedian? You just might be surprised to learn that you already have most of the comedy timing you need to rock an audience with laughter. Find out exactly what I am referring to and why it matters. Continue reading How Can I Develop My Comedy Timing As A Comedian?

How Much Of What Stand-up Comedians Say Is True?

becoming a comedian

The real questions regarding this particular topic are – Does my comedy material have to be completely fictional? Can I talk about topics or issues in my stand-up comedy act that are completely true? This article will provide you with valuable insight about these questions and what really matters. Continue reading How Much Of What Stand-up Comedians Say Is True?

Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?

memorize stand-up comedy jokes

Many new comedians want to know if there are any techniques to more easily memorize their stand-up comedy material. What they usually don’t know is that the process they use to develop their comedy material has a significant impact on the ease of memorization of that material. Continue reading Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?