Can You Tell Me Why My Stand-up Comedy Jokes Aren’t Working?

If you want to know why the stand-up comedy material that you are delivering to audiences is flopping, this article accurately identifies the major issues that contribute to jokes not working well, if at all. You might want to pay close attention to this one… Continue reading Can You Tell Me Why My Stand-up Comedy Jokes Aren’t Working?

Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?

Many new comedians want to know if there are any techniques to more easily memorize their stand-up comedy material. What they usually don’t know is that the process they use to develop their comedy material has a significant impact on the ease of memorization of that material. Continue reading Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?

What Are The Basic Joke Formulas I Can Use To Develop My Stand-up Comedy Act?

Still looking for the basic joke formulas you need to develop a stand-up comedy routine that will kill audiences? Well, you might as well be looking for a personal meeting with the Tooth Fairy. “Cookie cutter” joke formulas simply won’t work and this article explains why. Continue reading What Are The Basic Joke Formulas I Can Use To Develop My Stand-up Comedy Act?