Can You Give Me One Or Two Specific Stand-up Comedy Tips That Will Help Me?

Many new comedians are under the FALSE impression that just a few “choice” stand-up comedy tips will somehow help them immediately develop a killer stand-up comedy routine. Find out why you need more than just a few “tips” to develop a big laugh stand-up comedy act. Continue reading Can You Give Me One Or Two Specific Stand-up Comedy Tips That Will Help Me?

Can I Use Street Jokes In My Stand-up Comedy Act?

The term “street joke” (also known as a joke joke) is the comedian term for common jokes “told on the street” among friends. But can they be used in a stand-up comedy routine? This article addresses this question directly. Continue reading Can I Use Street Jokes In My Stand-up Comedy Act?

Will Taking An Improv Class Help Me Develop A Funnier Stand-up Comedy Routine?

If you are wondering if taking an improv class will help you in your stand-up comedy adventures, the short answer is yes. However, the benefits of learning improv are most likely not what you think they may be since each performing art is very different in style and approach. Continue reading Will Taking An Improv Class Help Me Develop A Funnier Stand-up Comedy Routine?