Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?

Many new comedians want to know if there are any techniques to more easily memorize their stand-up comedy material. What they usually don’t know is that the process they use to develop their comedy material has a significant impact on the ease of memorization of that material. Continue reading Do You Know Of Any Techniques To Help Easily Memorize Stand-up Comedy Material?

What Are The Odds That I Can Become A Pro Comedian?

odds of becoming a comedian

You might not realize this, but you have a tremendous influence on your chances of becoming a professional comedian. If you want the best possible chance of success, you must make sure that the comedy talent you developed off the stage makes it onto the stage. Continue reading What Are The Odds That I Can Become A Pro Comedian?

Which Way Is Easier? You Decide…

One of the things that I try to make clear to those who want to take a shot at stand-up comedy or add humor to a speech or presentation is this: There is a simple way and there are a multitude of complicated ways to approach developing a stand-up comedy routine that actually works to generate laughs. In this article I want to point out an example of a complicated way to approach the creation of stand-up comedy material. But Continue reading Which Way Is Easier? You Decide…