What Are Some Of The Big Challenges That New Comedians Face?

comedian challenges

As with any endeavor worth pursuing, becoming a comedian does have its own unique challenges that must be overcome to move forward? This article describes some of the most common challenges new comedians face. Continue reading What Are Some Of The Big Challenges That New Comedians Face?

“Why Traditional Joke Writing Methods Don’t Work for Stand-Up Comedy: The Importance of Delivery and Expression”

stand-up comedy writing tough

Discover why traditional stand-up comedy joke writing can be difficult and hit-or-miss. Learn why the standard joke writing methods may not work and how to objectively measure the funny in your act using just your smartphone. Discover why successful comedy relies heavily on delivery and expression, and how writing meant to be read differs from spoken language. Read on to find out how to improve your stand-up comedy act and become a sensation on stage. Continue reading “Why Traditional Joke Writing Methods Don’t Work for Stand-Up Comedy: The Importance of Delivery and Expression”

If My Comedy Material Reads Funny On Paper, Will It Be Funny On Stage?

write stand-up comedy

Are you under the impression that if your stand-up comedy material reads funny on paper that it will somehow be hilarious when you deliver it on stage to a live audience of strangers, you may want to think about joining one of those flat Earth groups too. Continue reading If My Comedy Material Reads Funny On Paper, Will It Be Funny On Stage?