Are There Any Advantages To Producing A Clean Stand-up Comedy Act?

If getting paid to work as a comedian is your ultimate goal, then you will want to have the opportunity to perform for as many different types of audiences as possible. This brief article discuses the significant advantages of being able to deliver a clean stand-up comedy routine. Continue reading Are There Any Advantages To Producing A Clean Stand-up Comedy Act?

What Can I Do To Stand Out As A Comedian?

If you want to stand out amidst a sea of other funny comedians, this article provides three specific strategies any comedian can use to do just that. And you don’t need to develop any sort of “hook” or other sort of gimmick to do it. Continue reading What Can I Do To Stand Out As A Comedian?

What Comedians Need to Know About Talent Agencies

Talent agencies can become a source of work for pro comedians who can deliver the goods for the client these agencies provide services for. Find out how talent agencies work and what you need to know about the type of comedy entertainment they usually represent. Continue reading What Comedians Need to Know About Talent Agencies