The Essential Marketing Tools for Comedians
The first thing I need to point out is that a comedian must have a solid act before they can effectively engage in any sort of activities to market themselves.
The reason I say that is because there are people who don’t have a solid stand-up comedy act developed and, in some instances, have never been on stage, yet they have this false notion that they can somehow promote themselves as a comedian.
There are also comedians who have been performing for a while and can’t deliver a solid act, yet they are under the false impression that the “answer” to moving forward in their comedy career lies in marketing. That is a serious waste of time and money.
With that said, let me say that the very best marketing tool a comedian can have, above anything else, is a stand-up comedy act that kills consistently (generates an average of 18+ seconds of laughter for each performing minute).
The reason I say this is because it will be a comedian’s act that gets them recognized and considered for paid work in the comedy clubs.
The Importance of a Strong Comedy Act
It will be a comedian’s act that will get them recognized and considered for paid work by other more seasoned comedians who are running or managing comedy rooms.
For those comedians who have a clean act and are working in the corporate markets, it will be their stand-up comedy act that can result in referral work at virtually every show where they perform and kill the audience.
Three Primary Marketing Tools for Comedians
The three primary marketing tools a comedian needs, provided they actually have a stand-up comedy act that is marketable, are:
- An Electronic Press Kit (EPK)An EPK is nothing more than a professional website with the comedian’s bio, comedy resume, headshots, testimonials, video clips, etc. It is a standalone website or a website service that basically tells a potential talent buyer or news media representative everything they need to know about you as it relates to your stand-up comedy career.Note: The instructions for putting together a professional EPK at no cost are included in the Killer Stand-up Online Course.
- Offline Promotional MaterialsThese include a promo video on DVD, an extended and unedited performance on DVD, a paper bio and resume, promotional flyers, etc., for mail-outs. This applies mostly to those comedians who have a stand-up comedy act suitable for work outside the comedy club markets. However, with the exception of a promotional DVD or extended performance DVD, the EPK provides what is needed in the way of promotional materials unless otherwise requested.
- A Business CardThere are only 3–5 items that are needed on a comedian business card: photo, name, title (e.g., Comedian or Comedy Entertainer), phone number, and Electronic Press Kit or website address.Probably the most important aspect of a business card is the phone number on it. Because people move, change phone service, etc., their phone number can change. I recommend using a free phone number (e.g., Google Voice) that can remain the same no matter what your phone number may be.
The Power of a Great Act
Still, it will be a comedian’s act that will bring them the lion’s share of opportunities to get paid work because nothing “sells” a comedian better than their live stand-up comedy act.
I will also be so bold as to say that until a comedian can average 18+ seconds of laughter for each performing minute on stage, the opportunities for paid performances are limited at best, no matter how great their “marketing” materials may be.
I have a unique musical style which works everytime. I accept the fact that it nowadays were all beautiful singers and funny comics. Ex-Int.sales,mktg and Ops mgrs like me stand the difference between a good idea and a good idea that makes money hey Mate?
Knock yourself out. But here’s the reality whether you accept it or not:
You either have an act that rocks a room and draws attention or you don’t. Your ex-int sales background won’t give you the talent to rock a room and draw attention from someone who can significantly impact your career entertainment career in the right direction. Hey, mate?
There are plenty of fools who think they got it dialed in until it comes to the providing of the awesome performance part of an entertainment adventure. I wish you the best, including in your day job which you will most likely want to keep.